Is Summer Homework Beneficial? - 5 Points to Consider

Summer homework assignment is largely controversial, with some arguing that it denies kids the opportunity to rest during the summer. Since they lack some downtime at school, it is considered not wise to give them tasks during summer, at least to allow their brains to rest.

  1. A lot of summer homework is actually harmful to the brain: Researchers have shown that students actually lose about two months abilities during summer, which raises a question about the actual effect of summer assignment. Teachers must refrain from overburdening students with summer assignment.
  2. Summer homework is not an issue to blame on teachers: So many parents are now used to it and the kids get assignments even when the teacher has not given any. The issue must be assessed from all sides. Parents must, in consideration of the above, know what amount of tasks students have before adding more. In addition, teachers and parents can collaborate in order to ensure that summer time is utilized well by assigning the right amount of assignment. They can also see to it that parents are helpful to students in accomplishing tasks involved.
  3. 3 months of no academic activity is harmful: Academicians say students must engage into some learning during the summer if they must retain any knowledge gained during school. One lecturer suggested of the need to have them engage in "ABCs of engagement" namely effectively, behaviorally, and cognitively engagement, and that they need to be motivated into it. Therefore, while summer assignment is not only to blame for deteriorated performance of some students, it is not time to encourage idleness among students by assigning no tasks to them – it will have adverse effects.
  4. Feedback on summer homework is crucial: Teachers must always provide feedback and give performance on summer homework given, in order to monitor performance and inspire students to engage in similar task in future. Besides feedback, additional research can show parents and other stakeholders whether summer assignment is beneficial.
  5. Time to play: Many students are already spending many hours in front of TV and computer. This is one factor blamed over years on increasing obesity. If summer homework is always encouraging this, it is time to raise an eyebrow. Teachers could get creative in assigning summer tasks that encourages outdoor activity and leaves as much time to play. Besides, research supports the fact that students who engage in co curricula activities are likely to perform better than those who do not.

A proper balance must be struck about what amount of class work to assign and how much time to allow for activity. Parents will still need to play a pivotal role in ensuring summer holidays are spent optimally and productively.

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